Employers - Recruitment - Temp-Team | Temp-Team DK
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Find your new employees

Find your new employees

Temp-Team is a professional recruitment agency with more than 40 years of recruitment experience. Recruitment is an important process in a company because your employees are crucial to the business and growth of the company. With Temp-Team as a recruitment partner, you receive a professional recruitment process. Our consultants' finest task is to create value for your business and avoid costly mistakes while saving you a lot of resources. We do so by counselling continuously.

Temp Team Stemningsbilleder 2023 (90)

We offer a professional and customized recruitment process

Recruitment Process

Quality is Key

Quality is central to everything we do. Our consultants are proud to uphold our high standards of quality and seek to satisfy customers and candidates’ expectations and deliver the best recruitment and advice. Our consultants are experienced in our specialist areas of recruitment, and we service a wide range of industries and sectors throughout Denmark.

All of our candidates are subject to the following suitability and compliance processes before we present them to your business:

We have our expertise from

  • 45

    years of experience

  • 6


  • 3400+


  • 230.000+


Customer experiences

A selection of our customers