Temporary Service and Try & Hire | Temp-Team DK
Til Umbraco (Try & Hire)

Temporary Service and Try & Hire

Temporary Service

Are you looking for a substitute, e.g. during illness, holiday or maternity leave? Temp-Team is a professional and efficient temp agency who supplies competent temps from day to day in a wide range of industries. We take your need for qualified temps seriously.

We know…

how important it is that your company adapts to the market quickly. This is why you can expect us to help you find the right assistance as swiftly as possible. Both when you need help urgently and when you have planned for a temporary worker.

When you use temporary workers as competent labour, it gives the company a high degree of everyday flexibility. Additionally, it provides the comfort of knowing that you do not have to spend time and financial resources on interviews, hiring and possible dismissals.

Instead, you can focus on the company's production and growth – we provide the employees who contribute to this.

Temp Team Stemningsbilleder 2023 (95)

Flexibility and thoroughness

We supply flexible, competent and qualified temporary workers in Denmark and the rest of the Nordics. With our extensive network, we can also help you find stable and competent labour if your company is located in the UK.

All our temporary workers go through a clarifying procedure which includes:

      • Personal interview
      • Subject-relevant tests

Of course, we also make sure to obtain references from previous employers and check criminal records. Temp-Team often recommends, in the case of long-term procedures, that your temporary worker undergoes a personal profile analysis. This is your additional guarantee of hiring the right assistance.


Do you have a permanent need for temporary workers?

If you have an ongoing need for substitutes, we always strive to send the same people each time - if you wish. It saves you time for training and gains your company financially.

Temp-Team can solve your problem

We know how important it is to you that daily life runs smoothly. We solve the problem of lack of manpower when it arises, so you have time to concentrate on your work tasks.

Temp Team Stemningsbilleder 2023 (129)

Try & Hire

Do you need a permanent position filled? Would you like to test your new employee before the contract is signed?

Then a 16-week Try & Hire process is the obvious choice for your company.

The process:

  • A temporary job which by default leads to permanent employment
  • An  effective, simple and safe opportunity to test whether the employee matches the company's culture and professional level - which steers clear of costly mistakes


We believe that good relationships create great cooperation. Therefore, the process of finding the right employee always begins with a clarifying meeting with one of our consultants.

During the meeting, which takes place at the company:

We uncover what skills and qualifications your future employee needs

Temp-Team's consultant gets an overview of the company's structure, culture and environment

The personal meeting creates security and is your guarantee that we can find the best possible match - both personally and professionally.

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It works like this

A Try & Hire process begins as an ordinary temporary work placement under general temporary work conditions. Temp-Team is responsible for paying the temporary worker; including holiday pay, pension and sickness allowance. Your company only pays for the hours the temp works.

The transition from temporary to permanent employment takes place automatically when the Try period ends. With no additional cost to Temp-Team, your new employee will be hired, ready to keep contributing to the company.

If you want to hire the temporary worker before the end of the process, a proportional fee will be calculated. Subsequently, your company takes over the temporary worker and the rewarding collaboration can continue.

Continuous follow-up

Your satisfaction with the process and with your future employee are always our focus. Therefore, we conduct continuous follow-up both during and after the process. As a professional temp agency, this goes without saying.


Looking for a temp?

Together we can find the solution best suited for your company.

Looking for something else?