Recruitment firm | Temp-Team DK

Recruitment firm

Recruitment firm

The succes of a company depends on the people who work in it. This is why fruitful employment does wonders - and a wrong recruitment costs both time and economic resources. 

With a recruitment firm, you ensure the best conditions for an effective and profitable recruitment.

Temp-Team is a national recruitment firm with more than 40 years of experience - and more than 3400 customers and +230.000 candidates for a wide array of available positions.

Do you want help finding your next talent? 

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Why choose a recruitment firm?

Why choose a recruitment firm? is sometimes asked: "Why should we choose a recruitment firm when we can recruit perfectly well ourselves?" And while that's true, there are many advantages by outsourcing several parts of the recruitment process - advantages that can make a big difference for you.

Get the specialists' view of the candidates

When recruitment specialists are in charge of the process, you get the specialists' professional opinion on whether the specific candidates fit the position and the company. Your final decision, therefore, apart from your own intuition, is based on subject relevant tests, personality tests and our recruitment specialists' evaluation of the first interview.

Save both time and resources

Finding the perfect candidate is a full-time job. Even you go the traditional way and post the position on job banks, it takes a long time. Another disadvantage is the fact that by recruiting this way, you only receive applications from people who are accessible on the market - and not necessarily the best available on the job market. It is not only reading through applications and resumes that consumes time - it also takes time to call for interviews, conduct them and then, at last, make the final decision.

Steer clear of expensive faulty recruitment

Hiring the wrong person can be an expensive affair. To lose, or dismiss, a new employee within the first year might cost up to two times the yearly salary (Source: Onboarding - A Flying Start by Christian Harpelund). It is Temp-Team's most important task to guard you from time-consuming and expensive faulty recruitment. This is why we also offer a guarantee on the selection of candidates if something unfortunate happens.

The best beginning

The goal is obviously that both your company and future employee are satisfied and happy with the collaboration. As an intergral part of the recruitment process, we also follow up on how the collaboration works for the both of you.

How we can help you

In Temp-Team, we work with almost all businesses in Denmark.  We deal with recruitment of software developers, industrial engineers, store managers, chemists, marketing analysts and more.

Where to find us

Temp-Team has offices in both Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Singapore.

Our main office in Denmark is located at Vester Farimagsgade 6, 2nd floor, 1606 Copenhagen V.

Furthermore, we also have offices in Odense, Allerød, Ballerup, Aarhus, Esbjerg, Herning and Kolding.

You can find contact information for all our offices on our contact page.

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Get in touch and take the first steps

If you're considering using a recruitment firm, we'd very much like to talk to you.